Step Up Step Down operates in partnership with the South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland. 215 children and 130 parents have been supported so far. Children are referred to the programme because there is a risk of care admission, or to support reunification plans to re-unite families where children have already been placed in care.
‘This is the best example of trauma-informed practice I have seen.’
Dr Una Lernihan (Department of Health)
‘Step Up Step Down truly keeps families together safely and well, especially during the pandemic when so many other services were reducing or closing.’ Sheila Simons (Safeguarding Lead, South Eastern Trust)
Supporting families to flourish
Through a range of supports including mentoring for parents, short breaks for children, training, community support and family activities, Step Up Step Down works in trauma-informed, nurturing and solution-focused ways.
A 12-year-old who struggles with emotional regulation who attended one of our summer schemes said, ‘I love this summer scheme. I can be myself and I feel easy-going here.’
Independent evaluation by RFA Associates found additional positive outcomes including reduced levels of family support required, increased school attendance, higher parental employment and parents gaining new life skills.
The pilot of Step Up Step Down was funded by The National Lottery Community Fund as part of their Reaching Out Supporting Families programme.
Get in Touch
If you want more information on bringing Step Up Step Down into your area, please contact [email protected].
For media enquiries regarding the programme email [email protected] or phone 020 7620 6441.