Young People's Advisory Board

Established in October 2022, our Young People’s Advisory Board provides a relationship-based and meaningful co-production space for young people to inform and guide our work.

The board is made up of young people with experience of foster care, including those who are children of foster carers between the ages of 16-21 and are based across Scotland. Board members all share a want to come together and impact positive change within the fostering and care community.  

What the board do is up to them. This may be supporting one of our campaigns or raising awareness of an issue that affects the fostering community. They have already achieved so much! Examples include co-writing a speech and delivering it at the Scottish Parliament calling to support their key priorities of change and keep The Promise, participating in consultations and recording a podcast raising awareness of the board.  

Members have shared a highlight of 2024 was coming together with our Wales Youth Advisory Board to learn and review some of our Skills to Foster resources with a trauma informed lens.  

Members may also choose to design opportunities for those with experience of foster care to come together and just have fun, create friendships and build a community.  

In July 2024 members came together for a residential weekend in Newtonmore taking part in abseiling, paddleboarding and kayaking. Members have reflected being on the board has built their confidence and communication skills. It’s a place where they feel heard and have a sense of accomplishment. 

2024 Highlights include

“I have improved my communication skills talking in meetings, at consultations and even meeting a Minister and being able to get my point across.”

“Being on the board has brought me out my shell.” 

The group meet online every two weeks and meet in person at ad hoc events throughout the year. If you are or know a passionate young person who is interested in joining the board please email the project worker Zoe Roy  or contact on: 07903079567. 


Building Connections, Creating Change

Our Young Person’s Participation Worker Zoe Roy has started work on our two year projects,  ‘Building Connections, Creating Change’ thanks to funding from the Young Start Fund delivered by the National Lottery Community Fund.

The project aims to better the physical, mental, and emotional health of children and young people and connect them to the wider community. 

The projects direction will be informed by the participation work that Zoe does, ensuring that the voices of children and young people and foster carers continue to guide our work. 

Zoe looks forward to connecting with many of you soon. 

If you would like to get in touch with Zoe, please email her