Foster carers across the UK can benefit from up to 30 hours per week of free childcare or early education for the children they are caring for. As childcare is a devolved issue, the exact offer varies depending on where you live.
Foster carers in Northern Ireland can access 12.5 hours per week (475 hours per year) of funded pre-school education for children in their care, in their immediate pre-school year. These hours are specifically designed to provide all children with quality early education and cannot be used for childcare.
Some foster carers in Northern Ireland may be able to access the Sure Start programme, which supports children under the age of four living in certain areas of the country.
To apply, foster carers must be:
- looking after a child who is three or four years old, where access to pre-school education is consistent with the child’s care plan.
How to apply:
- Foster carers should visit the Education Authority website and follow the application steps.
- Foster carers who want to access a funded pre-school place should speak to their social worker about applying. Sometimes, a social worker will apply on behalf of the foster carer or support them to apply.
- The application portal is only open for a few weeks in January, so foster carers should check the key admission dates online.
- Each pre-school has its own admissions criteria (read more about admissions criteria) so it’s a good idea to check that a child is eligible for a place at each pre-school before applying.
When can pre-school start?
- Children will start pre-school in the September after the January application deadline.
Where can I find out more?
- Read more about childcare options on NI Direct.
- Tax-Free Childcare can help pay for approved childcare
- Read Day Nurseries’ guide to free childcare for two, three and four-year-olds.